Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Abbie's 1st Day of Preschool (Belated)

I know, I know. This picture is a couple months old, but my mom just sent me an animated version of this and it reminded me I never posted this on the blog.  I stole the idea from a few pictures on Pinterest, my mom found the chalkboard and then her hubby actually drew out those cute books, crayon and apple. Isn't it adorable?!? I have already put the board up for next year. 

Gravity Check!

surprise ones.  I don't even know when a gravity check is going to occur.   

Abbie came home from school yesterday with a bruise on the back of her leg and a slightly swollen lip.  The hubby asked her what happened and she said she fell off of a tire swing at school.  Abbie has absolutely no fear of heights or speed or really anything you would find on a playground, so this sounded par for the course. 

Later that night though I noticed a bruise under her chin.

Me:  Abbie, you have a bruise under your chin.
Abbie:  Okay.
Me:  Well, what happened?
Abbie:  I got hit.
Me:  You got hit? By what?
Abbie:  Um....
Me:  Abbie, who or what hit you?
Abbie:  The ground.
Me:  Oh, I see.  The ground came up and hit you in the face?
Abbie:  Yeah.
Me:  I hate when that happens.
Abbie:  Me too.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

FrankenWhaaaaa? you see the previews for that new Disney movie, "FrankenWeenie"?  If you haven't yet, or you are like my mother and you mute (and ignore) all commercials, let me just say it is a new Tim Burton film. You know Tim Burton. That dark-and-mysterious-slighly-creepy-but-totally-awesome-because-he-is-like-BFF-with-Johnny-Depp dude? Crazy hair? Oh, and he's a director.  Anyway.  He has a new Halloween movie coming out this year.  The previews are all black and white and I honestly never thought my pink-lovin' 3 year old would give it the time of day.  But for some reason, Abbie is obsessed with the previews.  If she is in the room when it comes on, she begs us to "do it again!" so we oblige and loop back the DVR about 5 times before we tell her it is broken (shut up, you lie to your kids too).  Finally my husband saved a few of the trailers on YouTube on his cell so we can show her whenever it pops into her head.

So....last night we were cleaning up in the kitchen and Abbie and Devin were in the living room.  I'm not sure what they were talking about but we hear Abbie say, "It's okay, Devin, that winkie panties won't get you."


Michael, of course, had to go figure out what she was talking about.

Hubby:  Abbie, what are you telling Devin?
Abbie:  I'm telling Devin that winkie panties won't get him. 
Hubby:  Winkie panties? What is that??
Abbie: You know, Daddy, winkie panties! On the TV. With that cat and the dog.
Hubby:  Are you talking about FrankenWeenie?
Abbie: That's what I said! WINKIE PANTIES!!!
Hubby:  Um, no.  That movie is called FrankenWeenie.
Abbie: FrankenWeenie???
Hubby: Yes.
Abbie:  Oh.  Okay.

For the record, about five minutes later Abbie again asked us to watch winkie panties.  But I am now happy to report that she has learned the correct name.  And I'm pretty sure we will NOT be going to see this one in the theater for the fear of what my loud-mouth kiddo might say.  And yes, we got a HUGE laugh out of this after Abbie was out of the room.